Mar 17Liked by Isaac Middle

I'm so glad I got my reading from you! It has increased my understanding of astrology ten fold (at least), showed me where I was successful in doing the work, and pointed out my next steps- just in time for the next round of intensity! So grateful and excited to be prepared for whatever reality has cooked up for us 😁

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So, I’ve been more open to and actively participating in a bunch of woo woo ceremonies (revolving around healing) this last week and coincidentally (or not) enough had a spot open up for my treatment for which I fly out on the 20th and start on the 21st. Talk about timing!! I’m going to look at my natal chart and see what I can do to initiate this equinox power and lean into it even more so. I’m ready.

Btw, that fair looks like my jam! I also really liked the band that was playing.

And lastly…:

“The Piscean Archetype still permeates our Toroidal Sphere, not unlike an empathetic yet detached fart in an elevator, and we all have some deep inner work to do while we wait for the doors to open.”

😂 😂 😂

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Mar 23Liked by Isaac Middle

I love your creative expression of these current planetary energies, and really enjoyed how you’re looking at the archetypes at play! For me, tomorrow’s Lunar Eclipse sees the Sun shine directly through my Saturn, and the Chironic Solar Eclipse will be exact conjunct my Sun, all in my 5th House! It will be interesting to see how the letting go and renewal of these powerful eclipses play out - must review your amazing birth chart report!

Also, with Mercury playing around in this area as well for quite a while with its upcoming retrograde, I’m definitely feeling spontaneous urges to assertive my voice and words! Lots of fun…🤪

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Mar 17Liked by Isaac Middle

I must admit, I have no idea what you're talking about...

Mars and all that, sounds like Not Good for me personally... Looks like I'm about to be Dustified, in the legal sense, like the Twin Towers were. Well, I'm trying to figure out how to survive what's coming and how to start over... far away.

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"the theme of Actively Unearthing and Transforming Resentments"

Feeling like I've been doing this nonstop since 2016!

"it must undertake a fiery spiritual transformation before obtaining 12th House Piscean Transcendence"

Achieved a piece of this a couple weeks ago when #1 worst, heartbreaking experience of my life finally moved from the realm of "re-experience" to sad, sad memory.

On a lighter note, knock wood, my goldenpoodle puppy seems to have moved on from punishing me for the errors of my ways & poor puppymind reading skills by peeing in my bed.

Counter surfing is her new thing.

Sometimes I think I live slightly ahead of the skyclock...

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