Thanks so much again Isaac for expressing your most insightful perspective and experience. What happened with 9/11 and when I started to hear later that it was not as we were told, really confused me, and I couldn’t imagine a part of government could purposely cause so much death and destruction for their ulterior motives. I never really investigated the ‘conspiracy theories’ around it, but will listen to the YouTube video you linked to try and gain a better understanding.

In terms of knowing and being abused by a sociopath in one’s own life, I certainly had my life as I knew it upturned about 8 years ago, with my own very personal experiences and realisations, and unveiling of Truth associated with narcissism, of which I was totally naive about at the time. What a destructive, emptying, and then eventually rebirthing process, to say the least. It was also during this period where I had a ‘Dark Night of the Soul’, and Divine Grace also made it’s presence, and restored my faith in the ‘other worldly’ realities.

So I now see this ‘awakening’ experience as being a stepping stone in my awareness of what was further to come, being these last couple of years. And even though my husband witnessed much of what I went through with the abuse, and then he even councilled a co-worker following it all, he still today finds it too hard to listen to what I desperately try and tell him is going on. Well, maybe he has come around a little, but it hasn’t been easy. I do think people have different coping abilities to handle a truth that goes so against their comfort zone - Cognitive Dissonance I guess. As you say, more love and compassion needs to be brought into play when understanding that everyone might be doing their best with what they feel and want their truth to be, where also incredible degrees of deceit, manipulation and control lie well hidden to the majority. Just need to carry on trying to live our truth and get it out there as best as we can, without being too forceful either...

I will look forward to reading your own personal experience/witnessing of narcissistic abuse as well. 🙏

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Thanks for sharing Samantha. The incident in question is still quite raw in our family, so it remains a difficult thing to write about, as i'm sure you can relate to. And yes, that 9/11 documentary hit me like a ton of bricks when i first watched it.

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Gosh, that one runs deep and I have so many thoughts running through my head. I won’t jack up your comment section, I’ll just touch lightly on a few points. As a conspiracy noob, I’m grateful for all you tin foil hatters. After the breakdown of so many internal knowings, I’m willing to entertain all the fruitcakes so I can properly question everything. Like, what you got, flat earthers, bring it on.

I live in the States, although I’m not American, and TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) ran rampant. Still is. Most of those rabidly oppose to Trump folks reracked their anger towards “anti-vaxxers”, and later on, towards anyone who didn’t change their profile photo to blue and yellow. El gato malo has a good post about those folks and refers to them as the agiteriat. They don’t have much to stand for, so they stand against. They’ve become good tools for the psychopaths as their lack of meaning in their lives have given them a false purpose. And I agree that once you’re eyes are open to the darkness that lurks, you need to help as many others to see it. Getting out of this is a group project. So, I don’t blame those who fell for the lies. It could have been me. It was me, at some point.

Have you read Political Ponerology?

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"Like, what you got, flat earthers, bring it on." I might have to take this as a challenge!

In terms of Trump, I originally wrote this when I had a much more optimistic view of the Orange Man (I was somewhat caught up in the whole Q thing). This, I can see now, was an over-correction from being one of the TDS crowd (not full on, but I was highly influenced by Colbert and other talk shows who were leading the anti-Trump crusade). So i'm grateful I have been on both sides, to see how easy it is to get sucked in to the virtue signalling and ego-stroking that these "ageteriat" (great word, will have to find that bad cat article) undertake.

Have not read Political Ponerology (although I think I did see it mentioned on Escaping Mass Psychosis substack) but just having a look now it looks highly topical!

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I didn’t really have TDS, but I was (and still am) not a fan of Trump. I think he is a buffoon. But I certainly didn’t go crazy when he got elected. Actually, I was hopeful that he would cause some of the failing pillars to break down faster so we can rebuild and to a certain extent, he did do that (not the rebuilding part, the break down faster part) I think it would have been a complete disaster if Hillary had won. Now with Biden, the train was already coming off the rails and he is trying to steer it into autocracy land, but it just makes it more obvious as people are waking up to the fakery that is politics.

I read Political Ponerology two years ago as fear was at top level and it completely coloured my lens and helped me see through the BS. Like a pair of They Live glasses.

I’m so there for you to steel man flat Earth.

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Your personal experience story on medium.com has been removed due to a ‘violation of their rules’ 😕

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My account was suspended about a year ago for (I presume, they didn't give a specific reason) writing about early Covid treatments and election fraud 🙄

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Ok - well that makes sense then. They said the account was under investigation or was found in violation of Medium rules!

Just finished watching that 9/11 documentary - mind blowing to say the least! I’m now convinced there was foul play, and totally forgot about Tower 7 collapsing in the same way without a plane having flown into it. Now it seems quite obvious these were demolitions...

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I don't see any other reasonable explanation than controlled demolition.

Btw, this is the active link to that Medium article, have updated in this article (thanks for pointing it out): https://downthewombathole.squarespace.com/bad-people/ryvg7d7xc852e8w0jazz030vrtyaza

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Thanks - powerful read!

My revolutionary experience with a sociopath was with my mother. After 3 years of ‘waking up’ to the abuse, and trying my best to keep the peace, work on boundaries, maintain respectable associations for the sake of ‘the family’, I ended up needing to make the ultimate boundary of ‘no contact’, as one of my sisters also joined forces with the mother, and I realised in the end that my efforts were wasted, the abuse would never end, and I had to cut it off entirely to save my own sanity, and with respect to being the best I could be for my husband and son. The difficult feelings continue to come up here and there, a bit more lately actually, and I may never be totally healed by the wounds, in a physical, human personality like sense. But, however challenging these experiences were, I believe they were also a necessary step towards me being able to more confidently stand up for what I believe to be true, and other strengths. I truly was a changed person after walking away - and a change for the better in my humble opinion. 🙂

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Sounds like you have really found the positives from a bad situation Samantha, thanks again for sharing!

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