I resonate with this perspective. I’m into modern day thinker Charles Eisenstein who talks about humanity being in between two stories: The Story of Separation (this being like infected by Wetiko) and the Story of Reunion. This transition has begun and will exponentially become a bumpier ride while we get squeezed into the new paradigm.

No matter which side of the issues you’re on, if you’re seeing “sides”, you’re “othering”. This binary reductive stance turns our victims, enemies, dehumanization... and their looks at solutions where someone has to “win” or “lose”.

If we are going through an evolutionary shift, then this virus (physical, mental, spiritual) is a necessary tool to help us transition as a species: its presence providing immunity and memory cells necessary for us to evolve. It would be wise to remember that enlightenment is a group project.

Now, I say all this, and I believe it, I really do, yet, I still fall into the trap of wanting to be “right”, of being vindicated for the suffering I had to endure as a pariah among my friends and colleagues. But I try and dunk on my own self righteousness more often than the ineptitude of our leaders.

Grateful to be reminded to do the shadow work on a personal spiritual level as well as a public one. The Christians call it “the dark night of the soul”. That’s where we are as a species. But that’s where the shadow work actually gets done best. Hopefully we don’t destroy the physical world while we’re at it.

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Beautifully said, thankyou.

Yes as much as shadow work on the personal level is necessary, we also should remind ourselves that we were ‘right’ for the most part, and that we copped more than our fair share because of it. I went through a brief I Told You So phase when it was clear the Jabs were failing, but got over myself soon enough when I realized how painful it likely was for those who were just waking up and realizing their complicity. Once we have held ourselves to account, we can shift to doing the same for others, because that’s the only way this situation won’t be repeated.

We are lucky to have someone like Charles to help guide us through this, both morally and intellectually.

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Indeed. Well said. ❤️

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Oh yes, this is most definitely a part of all this. When we’re in the midst of civilizational collapse and our history is composed of them it is time to question our civilizations and ourselves. Unless we can do better we doom ourselves.

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Thanks for writing a bit about ‘Wetiko’, as I’ve only recently come across this term, and have been waiting for Levi’s second Wetiko book to be posted out, which has only just recently been released. I agree that we need to consider a spiritual dimension in all this, and certainly look at our own shadows. I didn’t even know what a ‘shadow projection’ meant until I read a Robert Johnson book, ‘Balancing Heaven and Earth’ around mid 2019! Wow! What an eye-opener, to within myself, and in respect of my significant relationships. And maybe this ‘Virus’ truly is of a spiritual nature, or can be considered with this different perspective. Much ‘food for thought’...

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Thanks! I have never read any of Robert Johnson, but just taking a look at Balancing Heaven and Earth now it sounds like he has seen it all.

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I thought it was an amazing book, and was looking to find some balance in staying grounded to the earthly life, and what I’m aware of and often seeking in a spiritual sense. I’m still trying to find that balance, but he did open up the world of shadow projection to me, which I’m grateful for.

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I should have added that the realisation of the Christ within acts as a balance between Ahriman and Lucifer.

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Rudolf Steiner has a perspective which may be applicable. The imbalance between Lucifer and Ahriman within our own souls. Lucifer (not the Christian devil) but our ancient magico/ spiritual connection with the world, and Ahriman as our mechanistic and materialist connection with the world. He saw our total absorption into an Ahrimanistic connection with the world coming to it's completion in the 21st century. The solution, the second coming of Christ, not descending from the clouds, but realised within our own hearts. He also mentions spiritual forces, he calls Ahuras who are trying to mess up this period, where humanity makes a spiritual evolutionary leap. Great read Isaac, very thought provoking. I am sure interesting times lie ahead for us all.

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Thankyou Rowan. I have been slowly getting in to Steiner's work, it can be tough going given how dense his information often is. I haven't come across that concept yet, but anything to do with ancient spiritual/Biblical archetypes automatically sparks my curiosity. A nice nudge to keep persisting. His quote on vaccines as an agenda to remove God/spirit from us was stunningly prescient.

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You just might be onto something. Even the religious people aren't like they used to be. Thank-you for the perspective.

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Sep 2, 2022
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Thanks for the share, yes I didn’t know much about GNM when I wrote this, it really clears a lot of things up.

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