Thanks. I like Robert Phoenix too - introduced to him from Open Minds on Gaia years ago. I've always been a casual, yeah there is something to astrology person, but it's so obscure to me, I haven't really dived in. But, well, wow. Makes a whole lot more sense than most things I listen to.

I think this is the fuse and lots more about to get triggered.

Thanks, Isaac. Growing in appreciation for what you do.

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That means a lot, thank you Kathleen.

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Hahahahaha! Dang it, you’re so fun to read. And I don’t even get half of it. The astrology, I mean. But the overall picture I get.

I love the vision of a penny wise clown show. As a star and stripe fellow digger, I’m simultaneously afraid of what’s coming and also can’t look away as the familiar carnival theme plays on loop in my monkey brain. And now you have to admit that you like saying “Uranus” as much as possible in one post. 🤣

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Bum puns have been the undisputed redeeming factor of the last week.

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