Simply brilliant Isaac, I can't argue with a word of it.

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Thankyou Linda!

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Funny that this post didn’t appear in my app until today, days after you posted it. Yesterday, I had a meeting with this preacher from a local church where I did a play prior to covid. He and I struck an unlikely friendship, him trying to convince me that Jesus is the right path and me softly explaining that although I appreciate the teachings of Jesus, it isn’t the only path, just the path that some people resonate with. I brought up Terence McKenna and Alan Watts and said their truth resonates with me just as deep and maybe you get closer to understanding god being a psychonaut. We’ve had these kinds of conversations for the last four years and not until yesterday did he concede that his religion can be exclusive. The whole Isaac thing came up as he argued that it was a true test of faith and I argued why test someone that way? Wouldn’t you forsake your humanity if you agree to do something so violent in the name of ideology? I brought up the whole conversation between O’Brian and Winston in 1984 where Winston answers with a resounding ‘yes’ to the question of throwing acid in a child’s face if it served the Brotherhood in destroying the Party. Well, who wants to be in a Brotherhood that asks for that? Incidentally, Charles Eisenstein just published a six part essay on this subject and if you have the time I would love to hear your thoughts on it. It’s on Substack.

Anyway, I wish I had come across this essay before meeting with my preacher friend because you, ever so eloquently and with a pinch of humor, get to the heart of it. I really love reading what you have to say, Isaac. Grateful to make a connection with you this year and looking forward to more.

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I saw Charles' series, I have been on the road but I will try and work through it over Festivus. Someone needs to have a chat to that chap about brevity: or not, how dare I enforce my writing worldview on to him!

I am EXTREMELY grateful for your support this year Tonika. Hopefully next year brings some super fun collabs, assuming I get my act together and stop spending my conspiratorial creative energies on elections and apocalypses.

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I say spend your conspiratorial creative energies wherever you want! We’re here for it! See ya in the next year, friend. I’m looking forward to it, indeed.

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Wow! What an incredible article! I’m catching up on a bit of your authentic expression pieces and glad I came across this one. Only a few weeks ago I was trying to defend an argument on a social media platform supposedly re ‘health’, that went along the lines of ‘the Jews are the source of all evil’! The owner of the group just kept cherry-picking various videos to justify his claims. I basically told him this, and that his videos simply portrayed a psychopathic cult-like group, and that there are other races and cults who also do horrendous things. But the response I got was just another video. I decided then there was no point in debating any further, but I think this article would have been a brilliant last response! Maybe next time…

Also very interesting re your illness and how it disappeared like it did. I’m thinking that it’s possible that the sense you made out of needing to leave the religion and doing so resolved a deeper soul conflict about that path and your involvement in it, and then the bodily response to this conflict could be lifted with that resolution to this conflict. Mind-body connection stuff, and/or Divine intervention….Thanks for sharing this personal experience. Magic! ✨

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Thankyou Samantha!

This was a very important one for me to write, i'm glad it still holds up (I definitely could have edited it down a bit though, yikes). The other side of the coin to the Irrational Jew Hate (and another reason why I wrote it) is watching Lefties who I agree with about Palestine constantly deny that the Zionist mindset has anything to do with Religion (and that Islam is also highly culpable in these events, by extension), but is just the product of White Supremacy, Colonialism et al. It's like Race is used as a protective mechanism to ignore the Supernatural reality of our Realm?

Ahh I love that perspective on my Meniere's, thankyou. The whole 4 year experience and how it played out in exact alignment to my religious journey still gives me chills. I have Saturn in the 9th House, which basically means you are destined to join a Cult: I think because the only true path to Spiritual Sovereignty, which is the best description of 9th House Saturn I have found, is to experience the brutal process of leaving a Cult (i'm not saying that the Baha'i Faith is actually a Cult, but it does have that shadow side to it). You literally have people conspiring about how to bring you back in, with most Means deemed appropriate to justify the Ends, and you have to be fully spiritually committed to that separation to resist being drawn back in.

So in that sense, you could see my Meniere's as a perhaps even Divine Intervention to keep me from getting in too deep! Fucking duality hey 🙃

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Yeah, it does seem to be Zionism that is a current, mostly hidden, huge problem source of world domination and destruction events, from what little I’ve looked into it. I’m in the midst of reading ’The Technology of Belief’ by James True, which has some very interesting bits of history on the origins and development of Zionism. It’s quite an interesting read actually, and he has a very Piscean-like expression of his ideas in my opinion.

I don’t get into the religion aspects too much though, (I see Zionism as a kind of cult, but maybe it’s much the same thing…), as I do tend to believe that there are indeed supernatural forces at play, and the ‘evil’ doers are merely puppets on a string, who have at some point at a Soul level chosen to align with that darker side (of ‘fucking duality’ as you say 😂). So Left vs Right ideology is all very interesting game play. Doesn’t mean one shouldn’t speak up or stand up for what one perceives to be morally right or wrong, but hating on ‘the other side’ will just create more conflict and division amongst humanity, which is just what those hidden forces want for us. I think you know what I mean….

I’ve been researching quite a bit on cults this year already actually, as I think I nearly fell into one in January! I had no idea about some of the cult-like manipulative, group dynamics that they either consciously or unconsciously enforce to entrap their members. I’ve had an amazing experience with this group actually, and yet another awakening and disillusionment process taking place (Neptune working it’s wonders on me again!), and I wonder if it was Divine intervention that brought up that Reddit query that I spotted with my not quite related google search! I’m so grateful it was very early, relatively speaking, into my interest in this group - yet another can of worms to awaken to 😳 But of course there might be some value in their teachings as well - truth mixed with lies - and for this we need the all important skills of intuition and discernment…

Ahhh, you have Saturn in the 9th house - lessons with dogmatic belief systems, and therefore religions and ‘cults’ 🤪 My sister has Saturn retrograde in Aquarius 9th house, and she was the model rebel to the religion (and any structural imposition) that we were born into. I wonder about the retrograde aspect of the more personal planets, and how this reverts or changes the usual effect. My son has the South Node in Scorpio 9th house!! He’s currently delving into secret societies and psychological warfare! 🤣 Actually, I was thinking yesterday that he might like one of your phenomenal birth chart readings as a birthday gift in August 🤔 (Also, I was reading what you wrote on someone with their Moon conjunct Saturn, and how you described it explained exactly how I see someone I’m quite close to who also has that aspect! So insightful and well expressed…)

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I find James True very interesting (and very intelligent obviously), and appreciate his exaggerated provocativeness. Best Apocalypse Ever is basically my vibe. I want to listen to him more and read at least one of his books, but there is something in his personality that clashes and stops me.

Agreed: there is always truth in there, because it is the truth that draws us in at the start. Healthy discernment is all we need to avoid throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Tell your son he will never find true purpose unless he takes all that juicy occult conspiracy stuff and applies it to the local and practical domain of the 3rd House Fishbowl! Very happy to take on that challenge before August if you feel he would benefit from it.

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Yes, agreed - my son does need to eventually settle mostly into those 3rd House pursuits. I’m hoping he’s just revisiting some old haunts of intrigue and comfort, especially after having life’s meaning totally ‘revolutionised’ (with a little help from me…) over the past few crazy years, with now no longer the consensus mindset - and he is an Aquarius rising, with his Moon conjunct Uranus in Pisces. He has challenging aspects, also Saturn conjunct Venus. I try to understand as much as I can, but he is definitely his own person now who calls his own shots, which is great, because I also don’t feel I need to ‘save’ him anymore 😊 I’m sure your interpretations would provide plenty of insight, and where he used to think my astrology interests were a load of fantasy, I think he now accepts some validity in there. 🌝

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"Imagine thinking It’s All The Jews when the Catholic Church has essentially devolved into a money laundering, kiddie-fiddling racket, while the main chamber of the Vatican is a literal fucking serpent head without even trying to hide it."

I am a practicing RC and as I always like to say that while any amount of this might be true; this is never an indictment of those faithful Catholics going about their daily lives and living their faith through their lives. It is my compass in all that I do. Thank you.

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Yes, well said: the faithful should not be tarred by the unholy brush of the elites. May you successfully continue your work in spiritually redeeming your institution at the grassroots level, friend.

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Thank you, kindly.

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So, you still believe in objective truth? The post-conciliar popes also say this, but their actions (like your essay) punch big wide holes in their own claims.

No one can be a relativist and believe in objective truth at the same time. Just like you can't be simultaneously male and female, asleep and awake, etc.

How can you be certain that your physical/spiritual Bahai illness/dis-ease was telling you "there is no right path?"

It seems much more rational to me that your guardian angel/soul/heaven was only telling you "this is the wrong path."

We can certainly agree that the Talmudists have plenty of company in denying the Messiah and serving the "ruler of this world." Beyonce is not a Talmudite (at least not openly). But she's rich and famous and adored because she's on the same general team, serving the same "master."

The "who's at the top of the earthly chain of command?" question has an easy, straightforward answer. It's not hidden in the Bible. It's just that most people are fooled into believing that the devil does not exist. And most people underestimate the ramifications of the Fall.

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Interesting response, thankyou.

Re: objective truth -- well, let's put it this way. If you deny someone else's free will, you could technically, in this current reality, "get away with it" (or at least appear to): such is the level of distortion that seems to be at play here. But, if natural law is indeed an immutable law, consequences will in some way manifest, even if not evidently or immediately. Probably seems like I am having it both ways sure... and yes, I can see the internal contradiction more clearly now.

As a defence: I lean increasingly towards a sort of Simulated worldview, where our current reality is one of many that we experience and pass through, each with its own distortions, but with overarching and universal governing principles that hold everything together. This particular reality is revealing itself as a bit of a free-for-all: let's incarnate down to experience an absolute shit show, basically. Has it always been this way, or only since The Fall? Either way, it certainly ain't a benevolent entity calling the shots here.

I have seen many people who find great comfort and solace in the boundaries and rigidness provided by Religion: at one stage I would have judged them for it, but for young/sensitive souls who come down here to experience the madness, I can now see why you would hold on so tightly to what I would consider limiting belief systems (gloves are off though if they feel compelled to enforce that on others). Maybe their purpose is to simply be here and survive in whatever way they can? So, my illness showed me that the Baha'i Faith and its version of Religion wasn't the "right" path for me, but in doing so, therefore proved (to me anyway, you and others are free to see otherwise) that there is no single right path in this current reality.

Hopefully that makes some sort of sense? Or not, fuck it. Thanks for provoking me to elaborate further.

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Well and truly said ❤

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very interesting. I'd never watched that video and always thought it was 'Who won the world?' which doesn't much sense but nor does the grammatically incorrect 'Who run the world?

I love Beyonce, and think she is a stunningly beautiful and talented artist and business woman, but young, sexy women in suspenders and not much else parading their sexual power over men has got nothing to do with real power Be.

I was recently asked whether I thought that how we grow food locally at our community, organic veg farm was political. I didn't understand the question at the time.

We have a one party state so it can't be about party politics. Both parties immediately kowtowed to the might of Pharma and the covid measures and jabs.

I would say I was a lefty liberal but was stunned at the ease with which necessary ( because of basic differences between men and women) gender rights for women were swept away by political correctness toward trans men.( I was surprised at my Methodist carol service that 'Where God resigns there is room for all ages and genders' I thought that God had made only male and female, but I guess He is diversifying; religion is subject to politics too.) But the gay bashing backlash I have seen from what I guess would be called the right also makes me extremely queasy.

Going back to the farm, I guess funding for community projects is political as only trendy causes get funding. We are hot on sustainability so we should be Ok, we will see. Like all small businesses and enterprises we are seriously feeling the pinch of the contrived price rises.

All Celebrity, Monarchy, Religion and Politics are pure theatre; to distract us from who really is ruling the world. Kanye, Fuelmilch, Bigtree, McCullogh, Stew Peters, Kirsch, Malone, Seneff, Sam Bailey, Jessica Rose (I was trying to think of some women), Trump, Johnson, Biden, Prince Charles, Zelensky, all attractive and/or flamboyant, amusing, characters; all thinking they have collared the truth, argue with each for our entertainment. All opposition is controlled because the narrative itself is completely controlled.

The real rulers of the world are generally those from colder, temperate climates who have to do something rather than sitting in the sunshine. I also think it has a lot to do with being ignored, abandoned or bullied as children; they themselves turn into bullies and will never gain enough money nor power to satisfy their emotional emptiness inside.

These people want control over everyone, to feel important because they have not come to god or to the truth, which is that unconditional love and forgiveness, for each other and for ourselves, is free and available.

These people do not want our small social enterprise to thrive, nor for us to be self-sufficient, healthy and out of their control. They want us fat, sick and on drugs and to do what we're told. (I think Putin is largely not willing to be controlled; resulting in the Concerted Effort.)

Food, health and fuel self-sufficiency and independence are the ultimate political power. So yes community farming is very political.


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Always appreciate your contributions Jo, and how you bring everything back to basics, thankyou. Yes, whoever does "run the world" (and obviously my hypothesis is just that, based on my own perspectives and experiences) certainly lie above the actors that are put in front of us for distraction/entertainment. The point about colder climates is a very interesting one! Sunshine is the greatest disinfectant after all.

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You are very welcome Isaac.

Let the sun shine in ☀️


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