Down the Wombat Hole: A Vision for Wholesome Conspiracy
Wholesome conspiracy, you say? There are people who would tell you that these two terms are fundamentally opposed: not fit to be in the same sentence, just like the jabbed and un-jabbed will soon not be fit to be in the same room. Are you one of those? Then you can stop reading now — this isn’t for you. Because what I propose here is a radical form of u…
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3 years ago · Isaac Middle
I was trying to explain germ/terrain theory to my 11yo twins. And since we have some pet fish, I used the aquarium analogy: if you have a sick fish swimming in murky waters, you can try giving the fish meds or you can clean the tank. 🤷♀️ they get it. And none of us are sciency people.
LOL. Hopefully your subscribers are the kind of people who will resonate with what you share. And if not- at least open minded enough to consider a potential alternative way of looking at something. So far I’ve found this whole Substack community to be incredibly supportive and the trolls are blissfully scarce.