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I'm gearing up...

I'm a Sag, so I am already Jupiterian, bigly. ^_^ I am currently engaged in trying to set right a situation in which my parents are being treated as straggling pets who need a kennel... I can be nothing BUT positive about the outcome, because any other outcome would be intolerable, wrong, and evil. So I'm already in Fighting Form! Although it's not really "fighting" at all, is it? It's more like pulling taffy... You pull it and form it the way you want it to be, because that's just WHAT TO DO.

I can't imagine what it must be like to be one of these Evil Muffo Psycho Muckities that are trying to enslave us all... What a drag.

Thanks for this post, my friend, I look forward to them! And from this Sag Dog to you:


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