Oh, absolutely. I follow Louise Hay's theory of illness as a metaphor for psychological/emotional issues. After working with thousands of AIDs & other patients, she outlined issues behind many illnesses.

Dr. Deepak Chopra goes into this a lot in his books too. Dr. Bernie Siegel as well.

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AIDS must have been a huge one: all these already marginalised gay people being told they have no hope and only months to live. That may have killed as many of them as AZT etc.

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Not to mention the "poppers"... and the rest of it, yes.

Worst of it is, a lot of people died because of the actions of Fauci and his "medical" cohorts.

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I'm down with that, too.

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It's because the jabs have cumulative effects and the toxins don't get cleared fast enough from the system, you will see deaths long after the jabs.

I agree that nocebo effect might have an effect as well, in addition to stress from loss of livelihoods, rampant inflation and negative propaganda, but I don't think that's the main issue.

I think the main issue is the poisonous jab, maybe corroborated with rollout of new 5G networks and poisoning from other sources.

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Yeh, look no arguments that the Jabs do have cumulative and downstream effects. I like to give our bodies more credit for being able to clear themselves out than much of the "ticking time bomb" narrative grants them, and so intuitively I look for other explanations for these delayed deaths. And yes, the 5G issue is a huge wildcard in how it interacts with the Jabs, although I think more linked towards population control and transhumanism down the line.

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did they die OF or WITH a jab?

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Ah yes: the unprovable question that will probably continue to divide society for years to come...

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Then maybe it's BOTH and we can move on to more urgent questions?

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Convince a population—even hint that they are poisoned and many will have symptoms. So there’s that. (The televised football collapse appears to be fake to me).

There’s the broken heart you describe.

I also have a relative who I feel chose to have a heart attack and die rather than continue living.

We are definitely seeing the human heart under attack and some, maybe all ppl choose their own demise

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Yes I think the football collapse was a staged ritual to bring the Died Suddenlies further into the public consciousness: 33 symbolism everywhere, and the athlete who collapsed had already trademarked several slogans before he was out of the hospital bed.

I have much sympathy for family and friends who have taken the Jab and are now having to negotiate this narrative that they could drop dead at any minute. People on "our side" pushing this narrative would do well to take a step back and consider whether they are adding to the damage.

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The 33 symbolism. Like the masons? If not, then I really don't get it. Thanks for your patience!

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33 seems to be a favourite of whoever runs the show (.et's go with the Masons for these purposes!). Definitely something fishy about the whole thing: https://www.instagram.com/p/CnSSD6SODmW/

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Sorry. I can't look at IG, or FB. I won't sign up.

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Fair enough!

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With the body being just a physical representation of the spirit, I can get behind the invisible broken heart epidemic.

My stepdad lived an entirely pointless life- went to work, came home, bought lotto tickets, drank on weekends (at home, wouldn’t even go out). My ma would tell him- you’re gonna get sick if you don’t make something of your life; find joy in doing something. And funny enough, a glioblastoma took him in less than a year and a half. That was twenty years ago. But it always stuck with me that out psyche can bring about illness.

I fear for my friends who are coming to the realization the jibby jab is poison. Living with the thought that your heart (or other organs) is a ticking time bomb, can cause enough stress to bring on said heart attack. It’s a catch 22 they’re stuck in. No wonder so many people avoided looking at adverse events. Hoping that ignorances staves off the worry that comes along with knowing. There’s gotta be more of a push to look for detoxification and spreading that knowledge around.

Maybe some folks are ready to go and throw in the towel on this particular iteration of their experience. And if that’s the case, Godspeed. As long as that’s their choice. Maybe they don’t have another Christmas in them either. I just somehow feel that we’re alive at a most exciting point in our civilization’s journey. I’m here for it.

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Yes I am very committed to this next stage, as rough as it will be to start with. Most of my friends and family are jabbed, and my main aim right now is to counter the "ticking time bomb" narrative and encourage them to have faith in their bodies... and their minds to overcome the fear.

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Nature is remarkable and miraculous. Lots to have faith in. ❤️

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Nature is, man isn't.

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I don't know about "man," but Human Beings are remarkable and miraculous, too! Don't let a handful of extremely evil men, abetted by ignorant, beaten-down people, rob you of the truth of what WE are.... We are stardust, we are golden... We are not at our best in this current time in history.... But we shall come back to our selves and our destiny with a ROAR! xo xo

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Exactly my sentiment! What a time to be alive!

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I just signed up for your page... I need some UPbeats. ^_^ (No pressure)

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Fuckin' A!!

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I so hope you're right. I've never seen humans at their best.

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Take a deep breath, think about who you are, and go look in the mirror. xo

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Right! What I’m saying is that our bodies created by nature can overcome synthetic damage done by man. Man can’t compete with nature.

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For Christmas I bought my nieces and nephews books they probably won’t read. (Tom Cowan - The Truth About Contagion, Eleanor McBean- The Poisoned Needle, Engelbrect Köhnlein & Bailey - Virus Mania). Of course they all think I’m crazy...even after my nephew gets Myocarditis and my cousin Bell’s palsy after receiving the COVID shots!!

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I don't find it exciting at all. Maybe the other side will be, IF we can escape the comming hell, but until then...NOPE!

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Every civilization comes to an inflection point- adapt or die. I’m excited by the prospect of being here to witness it, and maybe, even, help usher it in. If we go by the way of the Neanderthals, so be it. Hopefully the next civilization does better. But I’m not gonna give up trying and hoping. Nihilism sounds so boring.

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I love your attitude, and therefore, I love you. ^_^

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Please: Find some things that give you joy, find them NOW. You mustn't allow your spirit to be beaten down by this Ugliness. We have a duty to ourselves and to others to remain POSITIVE and APPRECIATIVE of the amazing Beauty we still have! Don't GIVE UP!!

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I feel it's too late for me.

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Knowing what we know about psychosomatic epidemics and placebos, I believe the possibility exists that some of the illnesses are the result of the NOCEBO effect. I’m sure quite a few people that were bullied into taking the shot were very fearful of it and fear/stress are killers indeed. However, let’s remember that other shots in the past (like the smallpox shot) were causing heart-related issues (like myocarditis). The blood clots caused by the COVID shots were very real and must be responsible for a large portion of the serious problems down the line. Just because they were known to cause issues within 2 weeks of injection does not rule out the possibility that they can cause more issues 6 months later. The deaths can be a result of a combination of many things triggered by the shots.

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Indeed. No arguments to any of that.

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I would suggest in defense of the "it's the jab" theory, even outside the initial 14 day windows where massive damage shows up, that myocarditis can statistically take 3-5 years after initial heart damage to manifest as a diagnosable cardiac issue.

The real party isn't even started yet.

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And there are things, healing things, that we have only just begun to understand...

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This reminds me of the recent podcast by RFK Jr. in which he interviewed Denis Rancourt about the latter’s analyses of all-cause mortality. He speaks really poignantly about people dying of social isolation during the lockdown.

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Some of the stories from nursing homes, and just how isolated residents were when they were at their most vulnerable, really are heartbreaking (no pun intended).

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Absolutely!! We lost my mother-in-law who spent her last 10 months in her nursing home without a visit from us, due to the lockdown. I don’t know how anyone with a heart can look back and say that was OK.

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Great, great post.

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I agree

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