The Venusian Astrology of the Next 6 Months
A very special Sunset Stargazing to kick off a new era of Wholesome Astrology.
Now that we have comfortably survived the first week of November without incident (huzzah!) it is time to properly embrace my pledge to leave my Wholesomely Foreboding times behind and go full Benefic.
And what better way than an archetypal rebalancing from my second to last post, where I sketched out the likely celestial flashpoints of the next 6 months — based mainly around the suspect movements of a Polarised Mars, making three Oppositions to the Brutal Intensity of Pluto.
Astrology, in my eyes, is best understood and practiced as a balancing act — where we are tasked to provide a conscious counterpoint to the largely unconscious manifestations of the Planets within the Collective. With an Intense Martial energy likely to be permeating our Realm in the immediate future, this gives us a particularly Venusian task to bring the world into balance.
So, yes: in this post I will be walking (literally) you through the movements of the Lesser Benefic over the next 6 months. And because this is Venus — of the Senses, of Beauty, and (ruler of Taurus after all) of the Earth — it was only fitting to head to my equal (I have accumulated many options by this point) favourite camping spot in the SW of Western Australia for a long overdue Sunset Stargazing.
I am deliberately giving you only the bare bones Astrology in this Stacked version, because the full Taurean experience — including multiple Kangaroos (with a special guest Joey appearance), lush wildflowers, a spectacular cliffside sunset, and variety of love song bangers — can only be experienced on Looshtube.
I do hope you will take up the invitation.
A Perfect Time for Venusian Truths
Venus is currently in both Tropical and Sidereal Sagittarius — most simply, we can understand this moment as an ideal time for accessing her truest potential.
Let us not sleep on this fact: we right now have a unique opportunity to gain access to Higher Wisdom concerning feminine principles, human desire, beauty, love and relationships. This is particularly the case today (well, yesterday now), the 12th of November, where she lies the final, critical, ANARETIC Tropical Degree.
But also Sidereally. If we look to the visible sky, Venus is right now at the meeting point of the Archer’s Bow and the Scorpio’s Tail, the point of the sky that also marks the Galactic Centre.
This is where the veil is thinnest, where we receive source energy in its purest form. But also potentially most destructive form. This is the theme of Mula Nakshatra, which is not simply about truth, but more specifically the destruction of lies and deception.
I would know all about this part of the sky, because it is exactly Conjunct my Midheaven: the highest part of the sky when I was born, and what is most central to my Career and Reputation (with the Moon and Uranus on either side). This makes Venus also right now Conjunct my Midheaven, at this very moment that I am providing you with a download of Venusian truths.
Isn’t Astrology fun?
From the White Pill to the Clear Pill
What makes this Venusian moment of Truth slightly tricky is that, at the same time, Venus is also in a tight Square to Neptune in Pisces.
Neptune in its highest manifestation is about spirituality, mysticism, transcendence, and everything that takes us away from everyday mundane reality. With Venus, we escape reality in the best things of life, and we can probably best understand these two Planets as giving us that makes us feel the best. It is the ultimate White Pill Archetype, in that regard.
In this context, we can also see quite clearly the lowest manifestations of Neptune — not just Escapism, but also Denial, Delusion and Deception — and it is this shadow that we are most likely to see manifest with a Square.
This is certainly a theme I have seen over the last few days: people essentially overdosing on White Pills, telling themselves the things that make them feel good, that they want to be true, with the assumption that this makes them true.
The good news is that the Skyclock is also about to provide us with the necessary reality check. Venus will soon move into Tropical Capricorn — the Sign of Duty and Responsibility — ruled by Saturn, the Planet of Discipline and Mastery.
The task is clear: How can we take these extreme Venus-Neptune feelings — those Dreams and Desires, the Elevation of our Senses and Creative Spirit — and ground them into a Saturnian reality?
How can we turn the White Pill into the Clear Pill, in other words.
A Full Moon to Treat Yoself (Responsibly)
This Venus-Saturn dynamic becomes even more pronounced on the 15th of November, when Saturn awakens from its retrograde slumber and Stations Direct. This so happens to be the same day as a Full Moon in the Venus-ruled Sign of Taurus.
This is no ordinary Full Moon however, as it will be Conjunct to 1 Degree Uranus: the Planet of Surprises, Sudden Events, and often a sense of Disruption and Chaos. And Uranus also happens to be retrograding back over the Fixed Star Algol, which has a particularly notorious reputation for in Ancient Astrology.
In fact, if we were to relapse back in to Martian Astrology for just a moment, it was this Uranus-Algol conjunction that was activated (by Mars) in mid July, when we saw both the attempted (ALLEGED) Assassination of The Orange Moonchild, and the decision of Sleepy Joe not to run for re-election and pass the poisoned baton to The Lotus Flower.
What does this mean for us personally? Simple: this is still a Full Moon in Taurus, which we associate with Pleasure, Comfort and a Sense of Security. If chaos does descend, it gives us full license to lean in to this most pleasing side of the Venus Archetype — however still in a responsible way, as Saturn demands.
Venus Gets Intense (and Weird)
Venus moves her way through Capricorn and exits on the 8th Of December. This is a day to remember for a few reasons, not in the least because she will also be Conjunct Pluto, now in Aquarius for good.
We might interpret this as Venus at her most Intense and Weird: where we are invited to explore the suppressed and underworld dimensions of the aforementioned Venusian qualities.
The plot thickens, as on the same day, both Planets will be forming an Opposition to Mars, which will be Stationing Retrograde in Leo.
Venus will move into this exact opposition to the 13th of December, which represents the First Major Peak of this Venus-Mars Balancing Act.
Mars in Leo is brash, loud and self-centred — with Venus in Aquarius, we are instead invited to put our needs somewhat to the side, and focus on what what can best produce love and harmony in the Collective.
Waterworks and Fiery Emotions
The Venusian Vibe changes quickly in the first days of 2025, as she prepares to leave Aquarius and enter Tropical Pisces.
She will enter the Sign of the Fish on the 3rd of January, and will immediately be joined by the Moon. On the same day, Mars makes his second exact Opposition to Pluto — expect emotions to be high, perhaps even explosively so.
The Waterworks are likely to continue, as Mars then enters Tropical Cancer on the 6th of January, the same day as Congress meets to certify the Presidential Election.
In fact, the first half of 2025 will be characterised by this dynamic of Fiery and potentially Explosive Emotions — Mars moving between the Cardinal Water Cancer and the Fixed Fire of Leo, and Venus herself between the Mutable Water of Pisces and the Cardinal Fire Aries.
The challenge for Venus, always in search of Harmony, will be in balancing these elements of Fire and Water: distinguishing what are our emotions and what are those we are taking on (particularly with Venus in the empathetic overload of Pisces), and acting purely on those emotions.
Being Our Best Piscean Princess
More than anything else, our best approach to navigating the next 6 months with Venusian Style and Beauty will be through the Piscean qualities of Empathy, Compassion and Detachment.
Venus will move into Aries 5th of February, before starting her Retrograde Cycle on the 1st of March and moving back into Pisces on the 28th of March. She then moves Direct on the 14th of April.
All throughout this Retrograde period, however, she will remain in the Constellation of the Fish in the Visible Sky — the Deepest Part of the Sky, in fact, comprised of the dual Nakshatras of Purva and Uttara Bhadrapada: where we seek out the intensity of the world in order to distill the essence of its meaning.
Venus is exalted in Pisces in traditional Astrology. This might not seem an immediately obvious fit — however, if we remember that Pisces is also Ruled by Jupiter in traditional Astrology, then we can immediately see that we have the Lesser Benefic in the Sign of the Greater Benefic.
With Pisces, ruled by Neptune in modern Astrology, we think of words like Sublime, Transcendence and Purity. In fact, we might consider Venus in Pisces to be the Venusian Archetype in her purest and most untainted form.
It is this Archetype of the Piscean Princess that we must all seek to embody: particularly as the North Lunar Node Rahu, the Head of the Celestial Dragon, exits Aries and enters Pisces in January.
Three Lunar Test Of Our Love
There are a three key dates where me might find our inner Piscean Princess most tested, each of which are Conjunctions with the aforementioned Rahu, and each needlessly exacerbated by the presence of that celestial troll Luna.
The first is on the 1st of February, when Venus will form a double Conjunction with Neptune and the North Node Rahu: with Luna only a handful of degrees away. With Neptune Wanting to Escape, and Rahu Wanting More, this is a time to be particularly wary of lapsing back into White Pill Escapisms and Deceptions that we are currently negotiating.
Upon turning Retrograde and re-entering Pisces, she will form this same Conjunction — however this time, the Moon will fully join the party, with Mercury only a few degrees away. In fact, the chart for the 29th of March is quite remarkable, with no hard Aspects giving the sense of some uneasy sense of calm before a sudden emotional outburst.
This final emotional climax comes on the 25th of April, when Venus will again join the North Node, again joined by the Moon, however this time with Saturn replacing Neptune.
As a final flourish, Mars will make his third and final Opposition with Pluto the next day.
Our final test of deep emotional detachment, before the Fire of the second half of 2025 and beyond fully emerges.
Ok, fine… a bonus gratuitous sunset photo, fellow Venusian diggers. Can you find her?
"where we might find our inner Piscean Princess most tested, each of which are Conjunctions with the aforementioned Rahu, and each needlessly exacerbated by the presence of that celestial troll Luna." You're so funny, Isaac. Yes, you describe that OD on the whitepills very aptly. I'm seeing a lot of that. Stated boldly--people want this to be true so badly, that alone will make it happen! Whew.
Glad to see the emotional climax will be happening just in time for my birthday ;-)
great writing! but i wanna ask a thing for the full moon we're gonna have in taurus. There is Capulus in the 24th degree of Taurus, and i was searching of it. therefore i found your writing, but i saw that you only mentioned Algol. Yes Uranus is with Algol, but the full moon is closer to Capulus. what would you say about that? just wanna hear your thoughts... thanks