The starting point for understanding the meaning of any Astrological Archetype is its observable qualities.
Fire Signs: they ignite, they bring heat, they radiate, they burn.
Water Signs: they flow, they change and transform, they are deep, emotional.
Leo: the Lion, proud, majestic, regal, dramatic.
Cancer: the Crab, tough and protective on the outside, soft and nurturing on the inside.
Mars: the red planet, the planet of war, masculine, aggression and self assertion.
Venus: the brightest and prettiest star in the sky, feminine, beauty and love and romance, fantasy.
Even the 27 Vedic Nakshatras — the most vivid yet elusive of the Celestial Characters at our disposal — take their inspiration from the observable characteristics of the 27 fixed stars that track the monthly passage of the Moon around the Ecliptic.
So… what is an eclipse?
Ancient Astrological traditions typically understood them as omens for disruptive events: natural disasters, wars, famines, even the rise and fall of Kings and Empires (there are even records of “Substitute King” rituals in Mesopotamia, which attempted to shift the omen from the current ruler onto some hapless pleb). Modern interpretations have refined this existentialism somewhat, seeing eclipses as the beginning of particularly charged and powerful lunar cycles.
In a birth chart, Eclipses — signified by the Conjunction of the Sun and Moon with the Lunar Nodes Rahu and Ketu — are thought to indicate larger than life characters. Hopefully you already know about The Orange Moonchild, who was born in the middle of a Total Lunar Eclipse; Obama (assuming his birth date can be trusted) was also born 6 days before a Solar Eclipse.
But did you know that Israeli Prime Minister and War Crimes Enjoyer Bibi Netanwhatever was also born on an Eclipse? His Moon was at 26 degrees in the Sidereal Sign of Virgo when he was born, the exact location of the Solar Eclipse early this month (true story), which has seen his political career reach its most precarious point.

Want more eclipse syncs? You have come down the right wombat hole. Let’s try a few of these on for size:
The defeat of Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 occurred three days before a solar eclipse;
The sinking/torpedoing of the Titanic in 1912 occurred between solar and lunar eclipses;
The Reichstag Fire of 1933 occurred 3 days after a Solar Eclipse.
The testing of the first Atomic Bomb in 1945 was a week after a solar eclipse, with Hiroshima bombed 2 weeks later.
Two of the most famous Political Assassinations in history — Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jnr — both occurred in between solar and lunar eclipses.
And what about the most famous of all martyrdoms — Yeshua/Jesus — with references to eclipse imagery on the day of crucifixion found throughout the Gospels.
And we haven’t even got to the Royal Family yet, oh boy!
Did you know that both William and Kate were born on eclipses, that Chuck and Diana were married on an Eclipse, that Diana died the day after an eclipse, and that Charlie was Coronated this year on the day of an eclipse? Probs all just coincidences.
Speaking of Coronas and coincidences: how is this for a spicy plandemic timeline, fellow Dissidents?
December 12, 2019: First known cluster of “new” pneumonia-like illness in Wuhan.
December 26: Solar Eclipse.
January 1 2020: Huanan Seafood Market is closed.
January 9: World Health Organisation announces a novel Coronavirus outbreak of 40 cases.
January 11: Lunar Eclipse.
January 21: First ‘Rona case in the US.
January 31: Global Health Emergency declared.
I could go on (if you need more, check out this excellent 3 hour discussion) but let’s get back to the point: what is an Eclipse?
In the case of our last Solar Eclipse, is was the darkening of the Sun, completely hidden save for that ring of fire encapsulating the silhouette of the Moon. In ancient cultures, when human cycles were just becoming intimately connected to the Skyclock, it must have been an entirely traumatic experience for the Sun — the greatest Celestial deity — to disappear. It would have been a time of crisis; the sudden disruption of the natural order. A true test of faith.
It feels like that now — that the darkening of the Sun above was entirely fitting of the events unfolding below. The last few weeks has seen the veil lifted on the nastiest and darkest aspects of human nature to an unprecedented extent, with competing Religionisms doing their best to manifest the darkest shadow of the two difficult aspects that were at play: Pluto Square Mars with a side of Saturn Opposite Venus.
How ominous is it that for the second instalment of our current Eclipse season — falling across the 28th and 29th of this month — that the Moon will be Conjunct Jupiter, which itself will be directly Opposing an exact Conjunction between Mars and Mercury? I guess we will know within a week or so’s time.
Until then, here is a cover of the song “Pale” by British band Haelos: taken from an album helped me through some of my darkest personal times. And that was before I realised that it was a Ring of Fire on the front cover, and that this song — the last on the album — represents a symbolic reckoning with the darkness of an Eclipse.
May the darkness pass, swiftly and inevitably, just like the Skyclock directs it to.
interesting. I was born hours before a full annular eclipse with several other planetary conjunctions.
I'd be shocked if I had a place waiting in the histories for anything though.
Scary things happening. I'm suddenly, after a long, long time with crappy sleep, falling easily into deep, deep sleeps. If I wake during the night, I fall back easily. 8+ glorious hours.
I woke this morning in calm acceptance.
We are on a precipice. The evil that has infiltrated this country & grabbed control of the steering wheel is quietly moving into the middle eastern seas. Its vassals too. 4 carriers now, lots of warships, God only knows how many submarines. Most likely, Iran is in its sights.
China moved 5 warships in too.
Putin announced Russia's kinzhal patrols. And deployment of its nuclear-powered missile that can fly any distance, evade US radar & strike anywhere without warning. And tested Yars the other day.
My birthday approaches. Also Russia's day of Remembrance. I may get a puppy. I've been yearning to get a puppy. Local shelters are overflowing, but I'm not sure if its the economy or because they've been importing thousands & thousands of pitbulls from the deep south. They were adopting them out to totally inappropriate families. I think it was Maine's version of permanent lockdowns, making it terrifying to step outside your door. But formerly foolish people are catching on.
Anyway, I was thinking something protective like a gsd, but suddenly 3 poodle breeders are simultaneously shutting down operations at once, overflowing with puppies at a fraction of their normal price.
On the one hand, I really can't afford either time or $$. Otoh, 1 more or less may not make a dime or seconds worth of distance after the coming days & events.