Finding Light When The Sun Goes Dark
BLOCKBUSTER Wholesomely Foreboding April Falls Geopolitical Predictions and Archetypal Preparation Preview.
Believe it or not — back before I stumbled down the Wombat Hole and found myself consumed by the Conspiracy of the Orange Moonchild — I was a Professional Academic with a PhD in the crossover between Ecology and Town Planning.
(Funny story: when I first started writing on Medium, and to appeal to the Lefty cheap seats, I explained my thesis through the timeless analogy of the Gender-Neutral Love Triangle.)
The fundamental challenge of the Discipline of Planning — both in urbanised and regional settings — is to Reckon with Uncertainty:
“Really, I have no fucking idea what the future holds, but someone has to make practical and consequential decisions with the future in mind so let’s do our best with what we have shall we?
Ultimately, I discovered that the Theory of Planning could be boiled down to one simple yet profound statement:
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
I’m not saying life is that simple, although I would suggest that collectively arriving at this point — ditching both the Black Pills and Love’n’Light — is a pre-requisite for an Objective-Reality-Orientated Society.
With that preamble in mind:
What I will do in this preview is explore the main Celestial Archetypes in play during April, focusing specifically on the April 8th Total Solar Eclipse. This is a long one — definitely have a cuppa ready if you embark on the above LooshTube version — because I will be doing double time: exploring each Archetype to its logical extreme conclusion, while also offering a Balanced Polarity — allowing us to “prepare for the worst” while also keeping the Wholesome expression of each Archetype front of mind.
This exploration will be universally relevant — given this now appears to be a Realm-wide Ritualised Celestial Event — however will likely be most relevant to American diggers who are quite literally in the X crosshairs.
Luckily, I’m on the other side of the Toroidal Sphere, so I can happily provide you with some detached and trollfully-ambivalent Piscean Perspective. You are welcome!
Creating Sanity in the Madness of Crowds
Pluto in Aquarius
This is not our first Pluto-in-Aquarius Solar Eclipse: that was on April 20 2023, roughly a month after the Lord of the Underworld’s first unwelcomed imposition upon the Water Bearer. In fact — holy shit! — that Eclipse was Square to Pluto to less than a Degree:
Presumably nothing dramatic happened in terms of Aquarius things like Technology, “Space” Travel, and the Revealing of the Soulless Apocalyptic Mindset of the Transhumanist?
SpaceX’s Starship, the most powerful rocket ever built, exploded midair shortly after it launched on Thursday from Texas. No injuries or property damages were reported following the explosion of the unmanned rocket, the FAA said. CEO Elon Musk congratulated the company and said the team “learned a lot” from the “rapid unscheduled disassembly.” … SpaceX is known to embrace fiery mishaps during the rocket development process. The company maintains that such accidents are the quickest and most efficient way of gathering data, an approach that sets the company apart from its close partner NASA, which prefers slow, methodical testing over dramatic flare-ups.
Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly — lolz.
Thankfully, Pluto is largely out of the picture for this Eclipse, forming only a highly enticing Sextile to Venus (ruler of Taurus and Libra): how can Digging into the Depths of your Relationships, of your Values, of your Desires offer necessary Grounding and Security?
The Venus-Pluto Opportunities: The Power of Love; Unearthing Hidden Values and Desire; the Beauty of Transformation.
In fact, in a novel Skyclock arrangement that presents a Mysterious Celestial Picture, Pluto forms the only traditional Aspects of this Eclipse, which is otherwise characterised by a series of Spicy Conjunctions: Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus, Sun-Moon-Chiron in Aries, and Mars-Saturn in Pisces.

Perhaps, with this in mind, we should understand Pluto’s influence more through a Lurking Weird and Intense vibe at the edge of the Collective — perhaps the best keyword encapsulation for the shadow of this vibe being “The Madness of Crowds”.
Basically, High Strangeness will be afoot, and it serves one to proceed with the resultant necessary caution: people acting in public in ways and manners that feel uncomfortable and confronting; bizarre and unexplainable phenomenon in the sky (aside from the Eclipse itself); Matrix Glitches and Mandela Effects.
How can you be a source of Sanity if the Madness were to descend?
The Radicalisation and Liberation of Religion
Jupiter-Uranus, Jonah and the Devil Comet
With Pluto taken care of, let’s start to unpack our Eclipse Supporting Cast Conjunctions.
Our next Archetypal layer is Jupiter-Uranus, who will be 2 Degrees away from their exact April 20th meeting. This combination is as Wholesome as it gets for the Outer Planets: thus — in a broader context — it offers our collective Silver Lining for this Eclipse Season, quite likely appearing Suddenly and Surprisingly:
Before we get there, we may have to negotiate some of its more Disruptive implications. One of these, if we take this combination literally, is the Radical and Rebellious manifestation of the Religious mindset. Not that we need Astrology for this one — the more committed and devoted adherents of Judaism, Christianity and Islam really seem to be leaning in a bit too gleefully to the Apocalyptic vibe.
Jupiter-Uranus Challenges: Radical Religious Extremism; Disruptive Changes in Beliefs; Unexpected Travel or Relocation; Exaggerated Need for Freedom.
And, it must be said: the Simulation Coders really haven’t helped to moderate this Biblical mood:

Any other on-the-nose Apocalyptic Dog Whistles we have to consider?
OF COURSE: just the Devil Comet, which will be visible in the sky roughly 30 degrees across the Zodiac from the Eclipse:
One of cosmic history’s greatest acts of photo-bombing will take place on April 8, when the great solar eclipse is unfolding across North America. Tens of millions of people in the path of the event will be turning their eyes upward as the moon passes in front of the sun. But at least a few people—including an untold number of astronomers—will be looking off to the side too, as Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, more evocatively known as the Devil Comet, streaks through the skies.
Are we being trolled?
The good news: the Archetypal reward for navigating any flutterings of Spiritual Extremism that may manifest in the lead up to April 20th is a profound Religious Revolution: likely aligning with the final exit in 2025 of Pluto from Tropical Capricorn, when it completes its task of unearthing the dirty laundry of all the corrupted Social Institutions that we once assumed to have our best interests at heart.
Jupiter-Uranus Opportunities: Sudden Optimism and Faith; Unexpected Good Fortune; Liberation from the Guru; Spiritual Freedom.
This will be Spiritual Liberation not in a New Age, We-Are-All-Gods kinda way (although I would readily take that over the giving up of power to a psychopathic deity), but through the simple act of saying goodbye to the false trappings, overbearing rituals and supernatural superstitions of Organised Religion that no longer serve our collective interests — returning instead to its original purpose and intention: as a structure for orientating ourselves, with humility and sincerity, towards what I would name the Pure Essence of Christ; that Spirit which is Divine and Eternal, that is Pervasive within yet ultimately Independent of the moral quagmire we currently find ourselves entangled within.
Grinding to a Halt
Mars-Saturn and Mercury Retrograde
With that Mercury-Square-Jupiter Abrasive Sermonising out of the way, we turn to our second Big Boy Conjunction: the Stamina and Endurance-inducing combination of Mars and Saturn.
The effects of this combination will likely present as our first proper taste of the slowly and steadily approaching Saturn-Neptune Conjunction, peaking across various stages of 2025 and 2026 — the gradual yet urgent re-establishment of necessary Discipline and Distinctions that have been washed away by the Boundary-less and Deceptive Dissolutions of Neptune-in-Pisces.
We already have one proven manifestation of this Archetypal combination: the Lockdown.
Mars-Saturn Challenges: Aggressive Authoritarian Restrictions; Sexual Trials and Denial; the Anger and Resentment of a Caged Animal; Fighting for the Adversary; Cowardice.
It was, after all, our second-to-last meeting of Mars-Saturn on March 31st 2020 — Exaggerated and Intensified by an exact Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction 6 Degrees away— that signalled the sudden onset of the ‘Rona restriction bollocks:
Will we get more lockdowns? While we have no exacerbating factors like an exact and adjacent Jupiter-Pluto this time around, we do have some additional contributing factors to consider.
The first is the aforementioned Jupiter-Uranus, which lends a distinct Spontaneous and Reactionary energy to chaos-critical decision-making. The most obvious, however is the much dreaded and demonised Mercury Retrograde: beginning appropriately on April Fools Day and ending on April 25 (thus encompassing both the Total Solar Eclipse and Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction).
Mercury’s frequent movement’s backwards around the Skyclock are most commonly linked to Hiccups in both Communications and Travel. With the current state of the Internet, not to mention that of the Airline Industry (looking at you Boeing) we might expect fairly spicy developments across these two Mercurial Domains in April.
Another factor is the path of the Eclipse Totality, which will — as has now been well documented — pass directly over one of the most controversial and disputed National Border outside of the Holy Land: that between Texas and Mexico, centred around Eagle Pass.
Again: Saturn-Neptune will almost certainly signal the end of the current Globalised themes of porous and unregulated borders, and we might find this squeeze initiated in earnest (see also: Moonchild’s Mass Muslim et al. Deportations).
Blackouts, communication disruptions, days of darkness: these timelines have so thoroughly infiltrated the mind of the Collective that it seems inevitable that they will be acted out to some degree AND LET’S BE HONEST what better time than an overhyped Solar Eclipse.
At the very least, can we get a three day social media blackout? Maybe that could also double as the Moonchild’s resurrection period?
Mars-Saturn Opportunities: Appropriate Caution in the face of Danger; Tests of Stamina and Endurance; The Discipline and Courage to Master our Urges.
What will you do if the world suddenly grinds to a halt? This is what I have prepared:
A Story of Fire and Water
An Aries Eclipse, with Mars in Pisces
One of the central contradictions of the Eclipse is the interplay the Cardinal Fire and the Mutable Water: the Eclipse will occur in Tropical Aries, with its ruler Mars stuck with Saturn back in Pisces.
On a personal level, the balance of this complex dynamic is found through aligning the Action of Mars with the Flow of Pisces — where it will be across April having entered on the 22nd — whilst avoiding its more slippery manifestations of Passive Aggression.
Mars in Pisces. Strength: Fights for peace; the spiritual warrior; intuitive and unpredictable in battle; the source of fantasy. Shadow: Man (or woman) of many faces; unstoppable one day, impotent the next; war as transcendence.
Although, as I am becoming increasingly aware of, sometimes key Transits present themselves in brutally literal ways: for example, through an Act of Destruction (and possibly War) on Water.
The Baltimore Bridge Collapse (BBC!) — a brazenly Numerological act by the Simulation to accelerate the Cyber-Warfare Timeline into overdrive — occurred at 01:28am on the 26th, when the Moon was Conjunct to a Degree the South Node Ketu, and within 36 hours (and 10 degrees) of the Lunar Eclipse.
A Lunar South Node Eclipse feels (at least for me) heavy in Karmic Baggage: an invitation to offload the weight which no longer serves us, as well as an opportunity to mindfully and gratefully harvest its final fruits. The Solar Eclipse becomes the final separation, stepping (particularly so in Aries) boldly and courageously into fresh and exciting new Archetypal cycles.
What is the United States — already in the midst of its Intensely Transformative Pluto Return no less — potentially about to leave behind (and potentially moving towards)? Perhaps the name of the afflicted bridge in question provides a hint:
All that to basically say: consider the Geopolitical tone of The Great American Aries Eclipse to have been set.
Collective Healing Through Collective Trauma
The Exact Chiron Conjunction
Ok, this is really dragging on; we are now two subheadings past “Post too long for email”. One more Archetypal exploration before we bring things home, and this is the Biggie: the comet Chiron, Conjunct TO WITHIN 2 MINUTES OF 1 DEGREE the Eclipsed Sun.
Chiron was discovered in 1977, and has since — through the unexplainable power of Celestial Synchronicity — come to present Astrologically through the Archetype of the OG Centaur of Greek Mythology.
The Wounded Healer
Where Trauma Becomes the Key
For Where We Must Heal
I imagine the Simulation Skyclock Coders, as they planned the gradual unfoldment of the Wounded Healer in the Collective, chuckling to themselves as they settled on the Final Archetypal Reveal.
“What about an Eclipse?”
“Niceeee. A Total Solar Eclipse?”
“Niceeeee. An Overhyped Ritualised Total Solar Eclipse?”
“Niceeeeeee. What if we make it literally exactly Conjunct the Eclipse?”
“Niceee… Ooo, would that be a bit suspicious?”
“Ooo… how about we make it 1 minute off?”
“Ooo… 2 to be safe?”
The Astrological Community is still making itself familiar with Chiron, and I’m not going to pretend I have anything to add, except to point out the uncomfortable obvious: the true Astrological Meaning and Evolutionary Purpose of Chiron has never and quite possibly will never be more active than it will be over this April Falls period.
A unique, unparalleled, profound opportunity for Individual and Collective Healing? Absolutely.
The only question I am left with is: must we experience a catalysing traumatic event first?
Finding Peace in Celestial Chaos
The True Archetypal Meaning of a Solar Eclipse
What started as a Chiron-themed Total Solar Eclipse is now well and truly morphed into something more an Occulted Skyclock Ritual: a Grand Trine between Astrology, Religion and Conspiracy, even. The aim, whether benevolent or malevolent, seems to be the re-creation of the Archetypal Solar Eclipse Experience: When the Sun Goes Dark, and where the Natural Order appears to have been disrupted.
Even if nothing “chaotic” happens around the Eclipse, the ritual nature of it has already been set in motion. The uncertainty of not knowing is in itself a manifestation of an Eclipse experience, and we will all have to pass through that Initiation of Not Knowing.
Ultimately, what I think we should expect in April is the same experience that an Eclipse is meant to bring, if we were still properly harmonised with the Skyclock: a sense of foreboding, a moment of panic and chaos as this natural order of things is disrupted, before the light inevitably returns and a hard-earned Peace with it.
And, ultimately — despite all the Apocalyptic Doomsaying — Peace appears to be the operating Archetypal principle underlying this moment. Sidereally, the Eclipse falls within the final stage of the Pisces Constellation: the exact point that connects its two iconic fishies.
In Vedic Astrology, this represents the Nakshatra of Revati, the final Lunar Mansion under the conventional Vedic system and what I call “The Piscean at Peace”.
Revati — Zeta Piscium (The Piscean at Peace). A Sweet Nakshatra — Soft, Cooperative, Agreeable — Ruled by Pushan: the God of Nourishment and Increase, Guardianship and Security. Pushan is also a Cow and Goat herder, controlling the animals with the beat of his drum, making these natives natural Wayfinders and Guides.
As I have said before, the Skyclock always provides us with our true Archetypal answers, if we are willing to simply look up for long enough.
Stay in Peace, stay safe, and (it goes without saying) stay grounded, fellow Diggers: particularly those in the vicinity of Totality. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst: and, perhaps above all, get better acquainted to your local Park and your favourite new Paperback.
I have a stack of books to catch up on! Trying very hard not to get excited for some shake up, this reality just keeps tempting us with fireworks and then canceling the show. Or, at least, downgrading it to a quiet B movie level.
Phew. This will take some study...
I live in the 90% zone toward the end of its path across the US. Weather (and life) permitting, I plan to drive 2+ hours into the totality. I will be watching also for the comet.
And if the stars happen to fall from the sky, I will watch for the Coming.
If I'm feeling especially ambitious I may drive up Mt Katahdin for a better view